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Styles in Word: A Primer for Accessible Document Design
Styles in Word: A Primer for Accessible Document Design
Styles in Word: The Book
Images, Videos and Captions in this Coruse
Course Learning Outcomes
Visual, Learning and Cognitive Disabilities (8:42)
Types of Adaptive Technology (17:13)
Clearing Formatting (2:40)
Word Options: Cut, Copy and Paste (8:45)
Home Ribbon (31:27)
Direct Formatting: Just Say NO! (6:17)
Font Styles and Font Sizes (3:40)
Standard Unicode Fonts (1:47)
Font Attributes to Avoid (7:10)
Quick Styles Gallery: Home Ribbon (1:20)
Styles Pane (4:05)
Apply Styles Pane (1:37)
Apply Styles Pane on the Quick Access Toolbar (4:38)
Colour Deficits/Colour Blindness
Colour Contrast (Colour Contrast Analyzer) (5:17)
Templates and Themes
Templates, Themes and Styles
Templates (2:39)
Create a Template
Pin a Document to the Recent Documents
Using a Template
Themes (2:02)
Setting up a Template (9:19)
Templates, Themes and Styles: Full Circle (3:24)
Show Hidden Styles
The Basics of Styles in Word
Types of Styles
Modifying the Normal Paragraph Style (4:38)
Modifying the Strong Style (3:32)
Create a New Strong Style (5:26)
Create an Underline Style (2:49)
Paragraph Style to Replace an Inaccessible Text Box (5:20)
Left/Right Indent (3:15)
Multilingual Documents with Styles (5:04)
Heading Styles are Navigational Points
Bathrooms and Accessible Documents: Navigation Basics (13:48)
Headings, Navigation Pane and List of Headings from Adaptive Technology (6:02)
Applying a Heading Style (4:10)
Modify a Heading Style (2:29)
Create a New Heading Style (4:50)
Paragraph Headings (5:13)
Tables of Content - Creating and Modifying (8:20)
Tables of Content – Updated (1:56)
Import/Export Styles in Word (6:30)
Alt Text and Images
Alt Text, Captions and Images (8:13)
Automatically Generate Alt Text (6:21)
Create More Accessible Images (8:47)
Bullets, Numbering and Multilevel Lists
Bullets (3:19)
Numbering (4:25)
Nested Lists (5:36)
Bullets – Changing Colour (2:43)
Bullets and Numbering: Modify Spacing (3:41)
Multilevel Lists: An Overview (21:20)
Accessible (Contextual Links) (10:55)
Tables and Columns
Newspaper Columns (8:12)
Parallel Columns (5:19)
Tables for Design Layout (Just Say NO!) (8:11)
Optimizing Tables for Accessibility (10:05)
Text Boxes: Just Say NO! (4:59)
Document Properties and Accessibility Checker
Document Properties (4:46)
Accessibility Checker in Word (61) (14:55)
Keep the Accessibility Checker Running in the Background
Overview of the Accessibility Checkers in Word and PowerPoint (May 2019)
Converting a Word Document to Tagged PDF
Converting a Word Document to Tagged PDF (5:54)
Start a Quality Assurance Process (17:29)
Checking Lists, Tables an dFigure Tags in Adobe Acrobat Pro DC (10:45)
Remediating a Table that Spans Two or More Pages (6:30)
Logical Reading Order of PDF Documents: Brochures (4:57)
Export a PDF to Word (or other format)
Appendix A: Create PowerPoint Presentations in Word (4:15)
Appendix B: Adding Page Numbers in Word and Page Labels in Adobe Acrobat Pro DC (5:06)
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Automatically Generate Alt Text
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