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Microsoft Office Tutorials and Resource Documents
Genearl Accessibility Tutorials
Creating More Accessible Images (Download)
Windows 10 Virtual Desktop from the Keyboard
Overview of the Accessibility Checkers in Office 365 Subscription for Word and PowerPoint
Immersive Reader/Learning Tools
Basics of Accessible Document Design
Citations and Bibliography Tools
Indexes from Simple to Complex!
Customizing Tables of Content in word
Customizing Keyboard Shortcuts in Word for Headings 4 through 6
Footnotes and Endnotes
Import/Export Styles
Creating and using Styles Sets in Word
Tables, Columns and Accessibility
Text Boxes in Word and Accessibility
Track Changes and Comments
Show Hidden Styles
Footnotes, Endnotes, Modern Comments and Track Changes with Screen Readers
Creating and Adding Accessible PowerPoint Placeholders
Create a PowerPoint Presentation in Word! (4:15)
The Basics of Accessible PowerPoint (Conference Handout)
Change the Default Font to Aptos or Aptos Serif (new default Microsoft font)
Accessible PDF Documents
Comparing PDF Documents using Adaptive Technology
Advanced PDF Remediation Techniques (Conference Handout)
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Indexes from Simple to Complex!
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