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Accessible PowerPoint: A Primer
Introduction to the Course
Course Content
Download the Accessible PowerPoint Presentations: A Primer (Book)
Types of Disability and Adaptive Technology
Getting Started
Where to Start (32:46)
Types of Accessible Placeholders (11:51)
Navigating and Editing PowerPoint Presentations using the Keyboard (2:25)
Editing using the Keyboard (3:29)
Document Properties
Adding Document Properties (4:22)
Templates and Themes
PowerPoint Quick Start (5:39)
Slide Masters, JAWS and NVDA
Templates and Themes in PowerPoint (9:32)
Saving a PowerPoint Template (2:20)
Using Your Template (1:04)
Theme Fonts and Colours (4:16)
Pinning Templates (2:46)
Fonts in PowerPoint (1:45)
modify Theme Fonts (3:45)
Modify Theme Colours (2:09)
Create New Theme Colour (9:39)
Updating the Slide Size (1:34)
Changing the Default Font to Aptos or Aptos Serif (new default Microsoft font)
Using Colour in Presentations
Colour Contrast Analyzer from the Keyboard (5:17)
Slide Background Colour (7:14)
Colour for Placeholder Border (3:27)
Using Colours from Graphics (25:07)
Slide Layouts
Structure of Presentations (3:40)
Resize Slides (7:18)
Copy Slide Layouts to Another Presentation (1:58)
Create Unique Slide Layouts (13:08)
AutoFit Text to Placeholder (2:18)
Sections in Presentations (4:05)
Reading Order Pane (4:32)
Reading Order Pane and the Accessibility Checker (2:31)
PowerPoint Designer (7:05)
Banners on Slides (4:38)
Graphics as Slide Background (5:52)
Graphic Covers Slide Title (10:46)
Alt Text on Graphics (4:22)
Bullets and Numbering
Change Bullets to Numbering (1:34)
Change Bullet Colour and Picture Bullets (7:04)
Number List Colour (4:06)
Spacing Between Bullets, Numbering and Text (3:42)
Tables on Slides
Adding Tables to Slides (8:02)
Finishing Touches
Slide Numbers (2:28)
PowerPoint Coach (2:24)
PowerPoint Presenter (1:09)
Sway Overview (4:50)
Speaker Notes as Tagged PDF
Save Speaker Notes as Accessible Tagged PDF (1:07)
Speaker Notes as Tagged PDF Demo (5:05)
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Using Your Template
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